Our Mission

Preparing young people with the skills they need to thrive in the future of work.

Who We Are

We are a community-based charitable organization and proud of our diversity and shared passion to help others.

Our management team, staff and volunteers come from all walks of life and are located on 4 continents, representing a dozen nationalities and various faiths. This diversity of thought helps us better understand the needs of the communities we serve.

Pathly is dedicated to playing an important role in the knowledge and skill development of learners in order to inspire and influence responsible citizens of tomorrow.

We believe education is a fundamental right of every global citizen and the foundation to an equitable society. Pathly is dedicated to helping people of all ages from low socio-economic regions to gain prosperous lives through quality education and skills training.

Why We Help

Almost 1 in 3 young Australians are unemployed or underemployed

It takes 2.6 years for young Australians to find full-time work after completing their studies

75% of Australian employers find it difficult to recruit people with the right skills or qualifications, especially in STEM industries (Ai Group)

70% of young Australians enter the workforce with skills that could soon be made redundant by automation (Foundation for Young Australians)

Where We Operate

Pathly (branded as Teachers on Wheels in USA and India) is a global organization with offices and partners in the United States, Australia and Southern Asia.

Though our main focus and a large portion of our work consist of bringing our programs to the poor and disadvantaged in Southern Asia, we also operate tutoring, mentoring and skill development programs for low-income groups in the United States and Australia.

Globally, 6 out of 10 children and adolescents are not achieving minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics.

Southern Asia

In India, some 770 million people or about 70 percent are poor and live in rural areas. Here lives the world’s largest population of children and adults who cannot read or write. India is home to 10.1 million working children in the age group of (5-14) years (Census, 2011).

In Sri Lanka, 200,000 children (ages 5-14) never enter school. Affected by the 2004 Tsunami and 30 years of ethnic disturbance, there has been a sharp increase in mental health issues, an increase in suicide rates and higher unemployment rates.

Pathly will help disadvantaged children in Southern Asia with limited access to education to gain literacy and numeracy proficiency. Practical skills development for adolescents and adults will help learners increase their outlook of securing a quality job and financial stability.


22% of parents live in remote locations.

40% of students have health issues preventing them from attending regular schools.

70% of parents do not have a paid employment in low socio-economic communities.

Pathly can reduce the burden on mothers who are often the key educator. We offer students the opportunity to attain or further develop their key skills and knowledge for their long-term educational success.

United States

In the United States Teacher on Wheels partners with technology companies to bring computer literacy to children and adults in low-income neighborhoods.

Computer literacy, the ability to use computer programs in an effective manner, is considered an important skill in developed countries and often a requirement that companies ask of today’s employees.

Our programs help children and youths in school to use digital tools to improve their studies and prepare for the requirements of higher education. For young people about to enter the job market or adult learners trying to re-enter the job market, the skills learned through these programs help enhance job opportunities.