STEM Learning Hub

Equipment and resources to allow students to pursue their interest in STEM subjects.

STEM knowledge is essential to upskill and adapt to the ever-changing job environment.

STEM subjects provide viable future career options

Our STEM Learning Hub allows students to experience hands-on activities using digital fabrication techniques such as 3D printers. This allows students to not only gain knowledge and understanding of the usage of STEM fields but also to see STEM fields as interesting and viable career choices and thus pursue such in higher education.

Early introduction to STEM subjects is more important than ever, with many jobs at risk of automation, knowledge and understanding in STEM are vital in order to upskill where needed and adapt to the ever-growing job market.

With a curriculum especially designed for school students by Australian STEM Courses, students are sure to be equipped with the appropriate resources to delve further into STEM subject studies. The STEM Learning Hub is particularly vital for young girls to fully scope out their interest in STEM studies and to continue to pursue their interests should they choose to.

Studies show many young girls are actively interested in STEM subjects up to ages 11 and 12, however by the time the majority of those girls turn 15, the interest and support in STEM for these girls vastly drops. It is increasingly important for young girls to have access to STEM programs to keep them engaged and allow them to see these subjects as not only viable but important options for their future.

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