“Preparing young people with the skills of the future of work.

What We Do

  • Leapfrog Careers Development Program

    We help young people get hired faster with our Meet An Expert career webinars, Resume Revamp service, and Mentor Match program.

  • Home Work Buddy Program

    We support primary and secondary students with personalised assistance to succeed in school.

  • STEM Learning Hub

    We provide a valuable bridge between businesses and the next generation of technical workforce in science, technology, engineering, and math.

  • Mobile Classroom

    Our mobile classrooms will bring job-relevant skills training to young people in regional and rural Australia.

New Release.

Internships are a great way to get your foot in the door at a startup. Many startups are looking for talented interns to help them with various tasks, from software development to marketing. By interning at a startup, you can gain valuable experience and skills that will help you secure a job after graduation.

There are many benefits to interning at a startup. Startups are usually small companies, so you will have the opportunity to work closely with the founders and other employees. This is a great way to learn about the inner workings of a company and how to start a business. You will also gain valuable experience in your chosen field.

Startups are often located in tech hubs, so you will have the opportunity to network with other professionals in your field. This is a great way to make connections and learn about new job opportunities.

Who We Are

Pathly is volunteer-run, which means all donations go towards supporting our young people.

We equip young people with the skills and information need to succeed in the workplace of the future. Our clients are primarily young individuals from low socioeconomic, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds, as well as migrants and refugees.

Our 3 key priorities are:

  1. Offer free career coaching and resume review from experts

  2. We help disadvantaged school students to catch up with their classmates and improve their academic performance.

  3. Encourage youngsters to pursue STEM careers by providing hands-on technical expertise

We want to change the world, one person at a time!

Leapfrog Career Coaching

  • Recent Graduate Coaching

    Now that you have a degree, start job hunting. There are ways to improve your chances in the job market. First, focus on soft skills. Employers value communication and problem-solving skills more than technical skills. First impressions count. Dress for success and be ready to discuss your qualifications. Be adaptable. Employers want candidates who will go the extra mile and adapt. Self-awareness and flexibility will help you land the job you want.

  • Job Interview Coaching

    Job interviews are nerve-racking. With some preparation, you can impress an employer. Being self-aware is a must. Be honest about your weaknesses and strengths. Confidence without arrogance is also key. The STAR Methods are popular for behavioural interview questions. Describe a Situation, Task, Action, and Result. STAR Methods can help you tell a story about your skills and abilities. You can ace your next interview with our coaching.

  • Leadership Coaching

    Whole Brain Thinking (WBT) helps our clients understand how they process information and make decisions. This helps them understand their own and others' behaviour. It helps them identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop team-leading strategies. WBT is one of many leadership coaching tools, including the 360 leadership circle and the strength finder. Thinking Perspectives helps clients understand their own thought processes and the impact of their words and actions on others.

Homework Buddy Program

  • Primary School

    The Homework Buddy program is a free peer tutoring program that facilitates and supports the one-on-one learning of students from disadvantaged backgrounds (i.e., Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, low socioeconomic status, refugees, and asylum seekers). This program specifically caters to students who, at the suggestion of their teachers, require additional one-on-one learning outside of school that their parents/ carers are unable to provide.

  • Secondary School

    Students from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds often face significant obstacles when trying to complete their education. However, there are many role models who have overcome these difficulties to become successful students. More than 80% of Holroyd High School students go on to complete tertiary education. Successful stories such as these are an inspiration to all students who face adversity, and a reminder that anything is possible with hard work and determination.

  • Senior Students

    For senior school graduates, pursuing STEM education can provide them with the skills and knowledge they need to find stable and secure jobs in the future. In addition, as our world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, sustainability will also become a key concern. By studying STEM subjects, senior school graduates can help to create a more sustainable future for us all.

Meet Our Students

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